The National Park Apolobamba is located to the West of the department of La Paz, specifically at the Bautista Saavedra, Franz Tamayo y Larecaja provinces. The park surrounds the municipalities of Pelechuco, Curva, Charazani and Guanay.
The National Park Apolobamba covers a total surface of 4.837 km2. It has a fantastic scenic beauty because of the snow-covered high mountains such us Akamani, Presidente y Katantika. Besides them the parks counts with glacial lagoons and impressive glaciers like the chaupi Orcko: one of the biggest in the world.
The climate is cold at the mountain range region and the plateaus of the West (the average temperature is 4.5C). The weather tends to be warm and hot at the Yungas area (average temperature 26C).
The flora is characterized by a field of low pasture where hard grasses dominate and salificadas, reoseta plants, rastreras, kausillo, wikumilla, yareta, crespillo, and pulvinulos de bofedales. Among the Cloudy Forest flora are species almost extinct such us quenua, walnut, mountain pine, aliso, chachacoma, coca, aliso colorado, guayabilla, arrayan, lumachu, cori cori, sauco, cardo santo, coloradillo del monte, quina, quina quina, isigo or coloradillo and the bilka.
There are around 275 registered species of fauna like the vicuna, jucumari, taruca or Andean deer, deer, tiny deer, Andean cat or titi, puma, choca grande, huallata and the pato de torrentes.
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