National Park Toro Toro

The Park is located to the north of Potosi, in the province Charcas, though it is more easily accessible from Cochabamba city. It has a surface of 16,570 hectares (166 km2). It is an authentic paradise for the lovers of geology and paleontology since tracks of large reptiles of the Mesozoic era and deep caverns of carstic origin can be found here. Among the attractions are the extensive cavern of Huma Jalanta, the cavern of Huaca Senka and others. Also, there are tracks of dinosaurs and zones with abundant fossils. Toro Toro harbors the Inca ruins of Flame Chaqui and cave paintings. A particular attraction is the impressive canyon of the Valley of Toro Toro. The altitude varies between 3,600 and 1,900 meters.
The National Park Toro Toro occupies the region of the mesothermic dry valleys north of Potosi. The region is typically mountainous with deep canyons, valleys and waterfalls. 329 species of flora were registered and the existence of 600 species of larger plants is estimated. The typical species of the Forest are the white quebracho tree, thicket and the mountain pine. In the higher parts remainders of quenua thickets exist. There are 49 registered species of fauna, including the taruca or Andean deer, Andean cat or titi, puma, the endemic red front paraba, lorito, endemic tordo in the region. The native population of the Area is of the Charcas origin and the predominant tongue is the Quechua.

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